Highest Rated Comments

Viend185 karma

someone here losing $600 in a scam is more like losing $20.

But a Nigerian losing $20 is like someone here losing $600.

Viend11 karma

It's true. There's a reason allergies are more prominent in developed countries.

I'm allergic to nuts because I was born in the states. As an Indonesian, in the 10 years I lived in Indonesia I met a grand total of one other person who was allergic to nuts. She was also born in the states. No one else in our families were allergic to anything.

Viend9 karma

Recently they've started putting disclaimers in some websites stating it's not accurate if you engage in resistance training but that doesn't account for natural muscularity either so it's still bullshit.

Viend6 karma

Aww =(

She has 14 karma now.

And goddamn, she was fat.

Viend2 karma

Do you have a cat?