Highest Rated Comments

VerticalLegion20 karma

Err.. Link your links?

VerticalLegion17 karma

I've had my lung collapse on me before, they insert a needle to drain the air out. Shit that was a scary experience for me, how do you feel right now?

And don't worry, taking it out is easy, you practically don't feel anything if you cough right when he pulls it out.

VerticalLegion17 karma

Then hit him. up.

VerticalLegion2 karma

Mainly Zelda.

VerticalLegion2 karma

Hello, i may not know you but you've been in the armed forces and at the moment i'm a cadet so i haven't been able to experience what you've been through but i URGE you to call the Military/Veteran Crisis Line on 1-800-273-TALK or even visit /r/disabledvets. Also check out http://www.dstressline.com/ and remember people are there for you so don't worry. There are many jobs for you out there and many opportunities for you. Good day and good luck with your life brother.