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Vayate956 karma

Philando Castile was recently shot while lawfully carrying a firearm. The ACLU statement on his death mentions the race issues regarding policing, but makes no mention of the fact that he was lawfully carrying and has no objection to him effectively being shot for doing so. Does the ACLU support Philando Castile's right to carry a firearm? If so, why has the ACLU not included support for that right in statements regarding his death?

Vayate84 karma

That's pretty interesting, especially when you consider that the failure rate on moe anime is pretty high. For every moe show that succeeds, there are ten that don't. Stuff that's less moe but still has high quality source material (Fate/Zero, Natsume Yuujinchou, etc) sells very well. It seems like chasing otaku may not be the best business strategy after all.

In any case, if UTD is funded I think it would be very useful leverage for your studio. It would demonstrate that a) there's demand for UTD such that people will buy it before it's even been released and b) production committee money isn't needed, so they need to get aligned with your creative direction if they want the opportunity to make money. That should buy you a lot of creative freedom. Just a thought, I'm looking forward to UTD's success.

Vayate45 karma

My perception of Libertarians is that they are almost exclusively middle to upper middle class white guys who have had very little adversity in their lives.

That's really no different from progressives.

Vayate41 karma

Just curious, how do some of the more artsy anime get funded by production committees when it's fairly obvious that they won't sell well? I'm especially curious about original anime like Texhnolyze and RD Sennou Chousashitsu, but adaptations like Kino no Tabi seem like they should be doomed as well.

Vayate31 karma

Do you think the benefits of carrying that spine outweigh the drawbacks, ie making Democrats look like a party of spoiled children?