Highest Rated Comments

Varns898 karma

What were the cliques like? Was it mostly athletes from the same nation sticking together or did cliques/groups form according to their sport etc?

Varns14 karma

We got a pretty good response by the Teacher's Union teacher on a similar difficult question a while back so there's no need to be so pessimistic just yet.

Varns1 karma

Hey there, a current Cornellian with a question I've always wanted to ask someone on the admissions process. How do you spot students who are applying for one college (say HumEc) when they're clearly seeking to do an internal transfer (eg. to Arts and Sciences) further down the line and they're only exploiting the higher admission rate of another college?

On a side note, what's your day-to-day like, especially during the "down" period when Cornell doesn't accept Freshman applications?