Highest Rated Comments

Valerus7 karma

Brad, I am very glad to see you making Pantheon. You are my favorite game developer and when I saw the Kickstarter I pledged right away to make sure I could be part of the alpha and support the game. I have a few questions.

One is while the game is group focused which I am happy about, are you going to make it also possible to do some things solo like in Everquest 1? I remember most classes could do things solo but not very well. And a couple classes like the Druid and Necro could solo quite well. Are you going to have a class that does solo slightly better then the rest like the Druid or Necromancer?

I was just curious because there are some nights where you may not have much time or can not find someone to group with and being able to do something fun for a while on your own would be nice.

Final question have you considered maybe getting someone like RA Salvatore to help work on your game? I know that he was helping Curt Shilling at 38 Studios before it went under. He did the story/lore on Kingdoms of Amalur and was working on their mmo Copernicus. Richard Garriott has the author Tracy Hickman helping him. I thought of RA Salvatore right away because he obviously has interest in helping with game development and his favorite game of all time is Everquest back in the early days. So he would be a natural fit ;)

Any plans to add more to the $45 tier? That seems to be your most popular level and is the one I pledged at. All though I may take it up to the $100 mark depending on finances. I could see 1000 more added being quickly taken up. Could add another quick 45k. Something to think about.