Highest Rated Comments

ValenceLP13 karma

Dude your performance of that song is absolutely amazing. That raw passion you had resonated with me and I always go back to that video if I'm having a shit day. Always makes me bob my head and try to write my own stuff even though I never plan on doing anything with it.


1: how long does it normally take you to write a song?

2: do you find lyrics to a sample or do you find samples for your lyrics?

3: what is your favorite part about performing on the streets?

Thanks man, you're a legend.

ValenceLP2 karma

Ah man I remember going to your concert with .Paak and KYLE in New Orleans, man! That was my first concert and was truly awesome. I'll never forget it!

ValenceLP2 karma

Badass man, keep on doing your thing. I feel lucky to have seen this little window into some awesome music that brings people together!