Highest Rated Comments

UtmostGrandPoobah7 karma

Went to a decent public school- they're not emphasizing the personal loss and horror that Communist leaders inflicted on their people, the collapse of economic growth and the devastating personal impact that can have on people at an individual level.

Seriously, there are some incredibly talented and genius people in Russia (as there are in any nation or culture) that were wasted because they didn't buy into that absurd system... or were never given the chance anyway

Edit: That being said, History is mostly taught as this abstract linear progression of dates with some dates more interesting than others pending the whim of the teacher's own preference and interests, so it's not that the teaching of Communism's tragedy is always a deliberate obfuscation, it's usually just a victim of the teacher's broader failure to convey the deeply personal connection History can make.

Edit2: probably futile, but I'm curious to read the rationale behind the downvotes...

UtmostGrandPoobah3 karma

Hey John, always great to hear about self-taught success stories, especially on codecademy. How did you graduate beyond Codecademy into doing more demanding front/backend work that was heavy in logic and algorithms?