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Upperboot9 karma

taking a look at rust their starting was amazing they had the same thing start with a rock end up with guns but they changed so much the game has pretty taken a dive because of cheaters.. What changes do you plan on having to keep this from happening to The Stomping Land?

Upperboot5 karma

This happen to me as well... I got bulled a lot, I was spit on and said hateful things to me the guy came up to me because he was moving soon and said I am going to put you in the hospital. I didn't know what to do I tried to skip school or lie my way of being sick but no matter what I had to go back and I got jumped by 5 or more kids when we had to go out side for lunch. I just want to let you know things get better once you pass school. I'm 28 now and I see those guys who bully me and their lives suck. I met my bully later in life and we became friends he was abused at home so he brought to school. You can't change it and you'll always think about it. Just be strong and keep your head up.