Highest Rated Comments

UofGlasgow176 karma

We already have students on the programme who are passionate gamers, and they've been asking the same question. We have a new professor in our Humanities Advanced Technology And Information Institute, Professor Lorna Hughes, who plans to get a game theory Masters course started shortly. I'll tell her you're ready and eager to enrol!

UofGlasgow173 karma

Thanks for you thanks, and thanks for your questions! How has Fantasy changed? Well, it's become more diverse; it's much harder to find a balance of men and women and of people from different backgrounds, cultures and sexualities in the first half of the programme, which deals with the literature up to 1950. It's definitely become more urban. I think it's become more open to a range of influences; for instance, there's less of sharp dividing line between Fantasy and SF, in some circles, than there used to be. Darker fantasy: everyone loves the Dark. Er... should I have said that? The advantage of teaching fantasy is it's the books people already read, in many cases; the books they've grown up with, the books that shaped them. I started teaching it because I read it myself, and students take the course because they want to understand, as I did, why they are attracted to the impossible, the bizarre, the ineffably strange, the inscrutably ancient. What's wrong with me? I used to ask. Now I know: the same thing that's wrong with everyone else; and Fantasy is my way of exploring it.

UofGlasgow135 karma

Forgot to say I'm no longer a gamer myself; I spent so much time playing in the early 90s I banished myself for thirty years. Hope to start again one day...

UofGlasgow131 karma

When trying to kill a mosquito with precision.

UofGlasgow119 karma

Zika is very different from viruses such as HIV, where sexual transmission is an important route of spreading the virus. For example, female to male transmission has not been documented for Zika. The main route of transmission in affected areas is by mosquito so these viruses don't compare.