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Umadbro_o20 karma

I've been on miniclip for about 6 years now..and my only interest are 8-ball multi and 8-ball quickfire pool. Do you think that snooker might make it one day? Thank you for hours and hours on fun :)

Umadbro_o2 karma

Same here. I spilled orange all over your comments. I am not letting Periwinkle do us in.

I honestly didn't consider nose hair. It kinda sounds gross i suppose..but it's science. Also, pluto's gonna need a lot more than muffins. Poor thing.

Umadbro_o1 karma

Is your balance affected by the unfortunate loss of your sight? People will say that you are amazing because you are still doing what you love no matter what happened to you. I will say that you are no different from others when it comes to really loving something and working hard to achieve your goal. Your passion truly shows. In fact, i would say that you have an even bigger drive to further your passion.

Umadbro_o1 karma

I was about to reply you the other day when i got the bad news my uncle had died. Does this get you into much trouble? Like vitamin deficiencies and such? I think that if you put enough work into it, you could become better at handpicking food just by how much benefit they could bring to you. I've seen somewhere that there are only 5-6 types of tastes which are the basics. Also, does your nose not get irritated by some smells? If i guess correctly, being anosmic could simply be a lack of the brain not processing what the nose smells. But, since the nerves aren't all disappeared, your blood vessels should be normal so as to cause itching and then sneezing. I saw somewhere that you lost your sense of smell 10 years ago. But some smell memory will linger. So, if you see something you used to be able to smell before that particular time, does it evoke some kind of response. Maybe not smell, but by taste..maybe? Lastly, smell represents a significant amount of one's sexual drive. There are some cells in the nasal apparatus which swell responsive to smell. Has your loss of the sense of smell affected you in such a way?

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

Umadbro_o1 karma

Is any of your other senses really good? I've seen compensation first-hand, and sometimes couldn't believe how much better the other senses were. Also, how difficult is it in daily life in the respect of nutrition? Do you like food based on how they taste or how they look like? Sorry about those numerous questions , i might have come across as insensitive, but i'm truly fascinated by anosmia.