Highest Rated Comments

TyrannosaurusRekts59 karma

No. No we can't.

TyrannosaurusRekts22 karma

What has been your favorite episode of Doctor Who ever? Thanks for your work!

TyrannosaurusRekts13 karma

Shitty? Was it shitty?

TyrannosaurusRekts1 karma

Hey Ron, thanks for doing this! Can you do me a huge favor? My mom is a big fan of yours, and we haven't been on great standing lately since I left for college. Could you write a note or something for her? Her name is Keyna, and I just know it would mean a lot to her. Anyway, you're hilarious, and thanks again for taking the time to do this AMA!

TyrannosaurusRekts1 karma

Hey! I've been a huge fan for a while now. Who is your favorite artist, and why?