Highest Rated Comments

Tyanuh7 karma

This is interesting. Thank you for doing this. I hope you don't me mind me asking several questions.

From the facts of BPD, it could be stated that your perception of reality, of situations and of people deviates from that of the norm by the simple fact of all the symptoms of BPD that influence these things.

  1. Given this fact, how did you conclude for yourself that you can help clients just as efficiently as an average therapist without any diagnosed mental illnesses? Things that come to mind are difficulties mentalizing for BPDers (an extremely important skills for any good therapist) and propensities for black and white thinking to name but two. How did you make the - I would say ethical decision - that it was a good decision to become other people's therapist with all of these... let's bluntly call them "mental handicaps?"
  2. In line with my previous question: How do you feel you are different than the average therapist from what you've seen from yourself so far?
  3. What kind of treatments did you follow for your own BPD and in what ways did they help?
  4. Even before your BPD diagnosis you already had mental health issues I gather from one of your comments. What are your views in general on people with mental health issues helping other people with mental health issues. Some people (not necessarily me in all cases) would call this the blind leading the blind. You drew in the previous comment a comparison to a heart surgeon not being allowed to operate on other heart patients as to make your situation seem acceptable. I do not agree with that imagery though and a more fitting in one in my opinion would be something like a car mechanic who has a car himself that runs like crap telling you he will fix your car to top condition. Not a perfect comparison either but touches it more I think. So again what are your views on people with mental health issues helping other people with mental health issues.

Tough questions I know, but then again that is kinda why you are getting so much attention so I imagine you expected this to say the least. Also not all questions insinuate an opinion that is my own, but devils advocate questions are quite valuable in situations such as these I believe.


Tyanuh3 karma

How much money did you spend in total up to now? And what are the most significant cost catagories?