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Twentyhundred149 karma

Do you act on this (warning, fired, etc) or do you accept this as part of the business? I mean a girl falling asleep on stage can hardly be called profitable.

Twentyhundred1 karma

Without wanting to be offensive, or even worse, creepy... What about sex then? That has to be quite unpleasant :(

Twentyhundred1 karma

What was your first "real" school year like? I mean, socially that had to be quite the experience, right?

Twentyhundred0 karma

:o Jealous! That is, more or less, I don't think it's something i'd actually want to have. I say I'm jealous because I sweat pretty easily, and because I have eczema, it itches and is a bit extra comfy. After hockey practice I basically scratch my ass off... How would you then play sports? Does your temp stay the same, or does it rise and almost not cool down? The other way round too, like when you're cold, do you have difficulties heating up?