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TuckersLostBowTie3 karma

People walk around naked at Coachella, so I think the question is absolutely relevant.

Also, did you differentiate degrees of harassment? Staring might be considered harassment by some, and that’s far different from physical assault (which would be a crime, and should be reported as such).

TuckersLostBowTie2 karma

He wants to eliminate birthright citizenship for the children of any foreign national born on U.S. soil.

Citation needed.

Edit: the mind-reading lawyer has no arguments, just downvotes and baseless assertions. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

TuckersLostBowTie2 karma

You nuked your own argument with shitty citations.

515.329 Person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States; person subject to U.S. jurisdiction. The terms person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and person subject to U.S. jurisdiction include:

Section 515 is dealing with treasury regulation of Cuban assets and doesn’t have anything to do with defining terms of immigration law. Tax/finance law and immigration law define similar words differently.

(a) Any individual, wherever located, who is a citizen or resident of the United States;

An illegal immigrant is not a resident, since resident has a legal definition as well. So even within your own misapplied citation, it doesn’t support your argument. Resident under tax law is different from resident under immigration law.

TuckersLostBowTie1 karma

Did it seem slightly racist, or at least very stereotypical, to have cast the woman named Flannery as the office drunk?

TuckersLostBowTie-10 karma

Trump and Brexit are breaking society? Or signs that society is broken? And they are on par with Duterte and the Rohingya?

Try not to be too biased with your core assumptions. 🙄

A lot of people believe globalism is what’s broken, and Trump and Brexit being the result of the failures of that paradigm. Enough people that both of those elections resulted in President Trump and the Leave side winning.