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TryToHelpPeople113 karma

Jeez that’s nothing, let’s see how she handles 2 matches in 4 weeks.

TryToHelpPeople16 karma

Do you feel a lot of pressure on your appearance ?

TryToHelpPeople6 karma

Which would you say is the more damaging category of domestic abuse ? Emotional abuse or physical abuse ? And Why ?

TryToHelpPeople5 karma

I’m a survivor of sexual assault also (I’m a man who was assaulted by a woman).

I found the doctrine of “it’s not your fault” counter-productive. I continued to feel anxiety, fear, helplessness, confusion and a very deep sense that I could not prevent it happening again. I understand that my assailant was completely responsible for what they did, but I didn’t really recover until I started taking steps to be more careful around potential partners. Not a great way to live but I not longer feel exposed.

Thank you for helping other casualties of sexual assault, I agree with what you say - each wound and healing process is different, and needs different help.

TryToHelpPeople4 karma

Awesome !!!! Such a nice change from the self obsessed, fragile, princess-clones we see in the media.