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TrueHybrid3 karma

Is it an English rapper cause there's a long list of guys I wanna see you face In DF, what would be your top pick to battle from these guys? Arkaic YouthOracle Dialect Mr 13 Bamalam Eurgh (again)

TrueHybrid3 karma

I'm English and a massive fan of Don't Flop, (obviously) King Of The Dot, URL, Basementality, etc. and you are the reason i got into battle rap. Must have been a while back but I saw one of your battles and was immediately hooked on written battles. Anyway I have 2 questions -What is you favourite league to battle in and why? -If you could battle any UK rapper from Don't Flop, who you haven't battled already who would it be and why?

TrueHybrid2 karma

Answer mine bro haha