Highest Rated Comments

TrippKeber11 karma

Here in Colorado, we have incredible respect for the Marijuana Enforcement Devision. The prevailing attitude of the MED allows key stakeholders, like Dixie, to have a seat at the table. The adage "seek first to understand, and then be understood" applies each & every day.

And it's refreshing to work alongside confident regulators that truly understand the importance of this powerful plant, and how it impacts so many aspects of society, from a political, legal and social standpoint.

We operate at the pleasure of the state of Colorado, and it's a privilege to do so.

TrippKeber6 karma

Wow. thats a tough one. I dont know that I am educated enough on the issues. But i will say its likely a similar challenge to employment law or DUI's here. Its tough to measure (currently) the amount of truly "active" THC someone has consumed, and when, and then draw the conclusion regarding impairment. So the military being the military and not fond of grey area simply would rather not deal with it. Thus, its zero tolerance. That said, I do believe in a state where it is legal to consumer (medical or adult use) our soldiers should have the right to do so. But again, its a complicated question with a number of rabbit holes.

TrippKeber5 karma

In that case...He's got some work to do :).

TrippKeber4 karma

My favorite edible is the Dixie Awakening Mint, which offers 5 mg of active THC. And it is a Sativa strain.

As it regards to the future of cannabis and fighting cancer, although I'm not a medical doctor, so I can't make claims, there's clearly evidence that suggests that at a bare minimum, cannibanoids have the ability to assist with the regression and / or mitigation of cancer cells.

Additionally, there are hundreds of websites and studies that suggest that hemp oil may assist with many of the side effects of cancer.

TrippKeber4 karma

In recent years, we at Dixie feel like we have had a 95% approval rating. We have access to the highest levels of government, both local and state, and in recent months, even federal agencies.

We believe in 2014, marijuana went mainstream, and we are starting to see the benefits of that across the board.

Banking is a complex issue related to the cannabis industry. It is the single greatest opportunity, but also the single greatest threat.

It's important to note that you have an industry that is doubling on an annual basis, in which 85% of the transactions are conducted in cash. I truly believe that both our federal and state governments understand the importance of offering traditional banking services to businesses like mine.

Watch closely, later this year and next, for what I believe to be a viable solution.