Highest Rated Comments

Trihorn18 karma

Hi. As a non-US person nothing there was of value to me.

Trihorn15 karma

As her mother tongue is German I would say it wouldn't be that far of a leap. The grammar aspects are quite similar in them, speaking as a native Icelandic speaker who found German far easier to learn than French (seriously guys, if you can't be bothered to say half the letters why do you bother to write them down!).

Trihorn3 karma

Senators and governors are politicians.

If you want to talk to government workers you talk to someone in the local EPA, forestry service etc.

Trihorn2 karma

Would you agree that your current view of OSM is a tad focused on or colored by your current workplace requirements, as at Telenav you are looking at the perfect routing algorithm with addresses in a portion of the world where commercial services are already abundant with the sum of them all making for a complete map (but not one of them is there yet)?

Have you for example taken a look at how superior OSM is to Google Maps and other providers in the parts of the world where commercial support is very limited, for example obviously most of Africa (where I myself have been running Mapping Botswana - another slowly growing project like many others).

I'm from Iceland where we have OpenStreetMap rivalling the commercial services of not only Google Maps but also local providers, and the pace just picks up every year with more and more data getting opened up. But this abundance of data and rivals has only shown me how incredible OSM is for the places where all of this infrastructure is lacking, HOTOSM does put the focus on such places but it is a vast world and awesome things are happening outside of them too.

Trihorn1 karma

What I found interesting here is what looks like you, the manufacturer, not only providing the equipment and training (which is normal) but that you also seem to be dictating how a government official shall conduct himself in line of duty.

What is the input you have on how your tools are used? Manufacturers of various tools seldom stretch further than training, not delving into approved usage for example.