Highest Rated Comments

Trekluver24 karma

Hi Rand! First let me say you are one of the few "celebrities" (if you can call a game developer a celebrity) of whom I genuinely love all of their work. Thank you so much to both you and Robyn and Cyan for creating such a live changing game experience for me.

As far as questions go, when did the idea for Obduction first come about? How has it evolved leading up to the Kickstarter? And also, I remember seeing the Riven script once upon a time... does Obduction have a written script ready to go, or is this something that will come along later down the road after the Kickstarter?

Thanks again!

Trekluver7 karma

Atrus being excited about a barbecue sounds like the name of a new meme... just saying.

Trekluver6 karma

You might remember our conversation on Twitter the other day about Tommy's wardrobe being stolen. Alex chimed in and asked a good question that I'm still curious about.

How did you all get filming permits for the abandoned hotel? And also, were there any chalenges in getting permits for other filming locations? Thanks!

Trekluver4 karma

Wait, you worked at Imagineering?!?

Trekluver3 karma

Oh, that guy who likes to make me think a 3d "seed" from a game trailer was actually a piece of aluminum foil? Good times. :)