Highest Rated Comments

TreeLeanIndicator31 karma

"...the seeds from the male plant"

Uhhm, no. The male plant does not produce seeds.

TreeLeanIndicator13 karma

It seems that even the self-proclaimed experts like Mr. Hemp here still don't truly understand all of the ins and outs of this plant. That is rather unfortunate.

TreeLeanIndicator11 karma

Hydroponic growing would take a lot of water to do so on a large enough scale to provide food for communities. Just imagine how much water a typical 6 story building converted into a hydroponic indoor farm would take. Now make the area of such a building large enough to take up a significant space on like a 100+ acre plot of land. Now add several more of those to the same plot.

That's a LOT of water, as well as a lot of construction material. I don't foresee that being a viable method until the world gets our water situation settled, which may take more than 20 years.

TreeLeanIndicator9 karma

The scary thing is that these mistakes can make their way into the legislation, and once they're on the books, they're law. Literally.

This is how we get laws that are factually incorrect, yet remain until some politician years later realizes and pushes to change them (and adds in completely unrelated legislation of course)

TreeLeanIndicator3 karma

Hemp can potentially be used to extract small quantities of heavy metal/industrial pollutants out of the soil. Perhaps that is what was meant by "enrich the soil while also removing toxins." wherever you read it.