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Tree-eeeze1144 karma

I had the same question myself, but here's the thing. If you rewatch the episode it's very clear that they think their food/service is great, and it's only the "Internet haters / bloggers" from a few years ago that killed their business 'unfairly.'

You can tell at the beginning of the episode both of them honestly expect Ramsay to come in and validate how good their food is. And he actually does at first with the dessert and cleanliness of the stock room.

They certainly didn't anticipate the negative backlash. They thought Ramsay would come in and do a nice little fluff piece on how awesome they are, which would give their business more legitimacy.

Tree-eeeze960 karma

Pita Jungle must love them right? Seems like anyone with the slightest complaint gets told to go there instead.

What's your favorite Pita Jungle offering?

Tree-eeeze28 karma

It didn't sound like they found anything but weed at the residence, but hopefully OP clarifies.

Tree-eeeze3 karma

5 The probability of a run of 7 black is just under 1%, which is a number that we can relate to, it's 1 in 100. Pretty unlikely. If your luck sucks you might hit it a few times. The probability of 10 blacks is just under 0.1%. So if you hit one of the above, then only count is 1 in 10 times. Your luck has got to really suck to hit that more than once. The probability of an initial run of 12 black is around 0.02%, which is just ridiculously low. The probability of 20 black is about 0.0001% which is astronomically low. Disregarding the 2 reds, since I hit the max limit, so not really a fair account, but still. This is almost impossible.

This is indicative of a failure to learn from your mistakes. Once you started down the final path of roulette you were going to lose it all, it was just a matter of time. Accept that. Unless you went on similarly unlikely streak to recoup all your losses and then some it would've never been enough. Plus with Bitcoin still plummeting you would've felt the urge to keep trying for more because now your money is worth less (and falling).

It's all well and good to have an intellectual grasp of the math but it sounds more like you're using it as a scapegoat. "This was so unlikely to happen, woe is me!" You weren't practicing any type of sound gambling principles, you learned just enough odds and "systems" like martingale to be dangerous.

We search for certainty and call what we find destiny. Everything is possible, yet only one thing happens—we live and die between these two poles, under the rule of probability. We prefer, though, to call it Chance: an old familiar embodied in gods and demons, harnessed in charms and rituals. We remind one another of fortune’s fickleness, each secretly believing himself exempt. I am master of my fate; you are dicing with danger; he is living in a fool’s paradise.

As for the unlikelihood of the roulette outcomes, pretty standard gambler's fallacy. Yeah what happened to you might seem special, but "spinning" that random roulette wheel 10,000 times, 100,000 times, 100,000,000 times, patterns like that are inevitable and everywhere. You tuned in right as when started, but you could have just as easily been betting black. The real issue is you resorted to playing a hugely negative expectation game under the assumption that you were bound to hit a hot streak and would have the self-control to quit once you did.

The most famous example of the gambler’s fallacy occurred in a game of roulette at the Monte Carlo Casino on August 18, 1913, when the ball fell in black 26 times in a row. This was an extremely uncommon occurrence, although no more nor less common than any of the other 67,108,863 sequences of 26 red or black. Gamblers lost millions of francs betting against black, reasoning incorrectly that the streak was causing an "imbalance" in the randomness of the wheel, and that it had to be followed by a long streak of red.

If you've ever played Texas Hold Em you'll know why professional players absolutely loathe hearing "bad beat stories." Everyone has them, and everyone wants you to know how unlikely they are compared to everyone else. It's human nature to chalk our losses up to terrible luck and our successes up to our genius. Considering you were playing two games with inherently negative expectation 'over the long run' I'd say you were only temporarily holding the house money anyway.