Highest Rated Comments

Transcredible_Zap344 karma

Any chance we'll see you do a cameo on Kimmy Schmidt?

Transcredible_Zap93 karma

I for one would love to see that.

Transcredible_Zap43 karma

Also, why don't they boycott clothing stores for selling garments of mixed fabrics, why don't they protest Red Lobster?

Transcredible_Zap24 karma

Wow, it seems like basing your life off of rules some idiot sheep-fuckers in the middle of fucking podunk during the Bronze age isn't a good idea for modern people or something.

Transcredible_Zap12 karma

Isn't the only anti-gay statement in the bible in Leviticus? Which is where the prohibitions on shellfish and mixed fabrics come from. It's been a while since I've read the bible, so I might be misremembering.