Highest Rated Comments

Tranic108 karma

If you could instantly become a master at any skill, trade or discipline, what would that be?

Tranic6 karma

So, raping and killing multiple children is not evil if I don't feel it is? TIL something...

Edit: That view of morality is very dangerous.

Tranic1 karma

I agree with most of that.

Yeah, I was just trying to state that there does exist hard rule books. Not anything beyond that.

Tranic-1 karma

This is easy, I'll address the 2 of the top 3 for the sake of my poor fingers and they maybe to hardest to answer.

My original arguments are based on the individual and to get the point across that evil exists. I agree that some gray areas do exist but that's another topic for another time.

As for your argument, you've brought society and government into the subject matter. For further reference I am using the US model as it is the best and most fair system created to date(granted I know it has its flaws but that's another topic for another time).

  1. The soldier is a person working for the government and society. His or hers basic role is to defend fellow countrymen from threats outside of their established society and borders. Killing an enemy is necessary to keep them from doing harm to the innocents in their society. That is why they kill in defense of a life and are not evil. (War is ugly and should be avoided but sometimes it's necessary)

  2. Society came together to create government and rules, and what good are rules if there is no punishment for those rules?

For example: a man commits murder, is tried by a jury of his peers, found guilty and sentenced to death. Society said his crime was heinous enough to warrant the death penalty. They deemed him too dangerous to be allowed to live because he was liable to take another innocent life. Hence why a prison official is not committing murder, is killing in defense of life and therefore not evil.

Tranic-5 karma

Plenty of rule books out there; two off the top of my head are the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule. Since the creation of civilization, rules have been established to keep evil at bay from those that wish to live in peace.

The hell you can call them out as evil. Taking another life not in defense of your own or another life IS evil. Advocating any such act is also evil.