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Trala_la_la122 karma

Ok so one night I stayed up way too late and researched random things on the internet and came across this article that describes where the O’doyles are today and gets into why some of them were cast… enjoy

Trala_la_la11 karma

Just a comment on your home page, the kick starter countdown and the word kickstarter aren't linked to kickstarter... clicking them doesn't get you anywhere, your branding logo is linked to clickstarter though. More people would hit up your kickstarter page if the link was easier to find.

Also you should see if you can sponsor a local fun run race where they give out beer at the end. It's a great way to get in front of your target market.

Trala_la_la2 karma

This is pretty much what I was trying to say, but don't think I did a great job. My method just gets a few of the lazier people over, vs the people who are actively looking for the link. It might not pay off at all, but it can't hurt. Links for the lazy!