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Toutouka1915 karma

What is a huge discomfort/problem that none of us thinks of when thinking about prison that you found out the hard way (besides the obvious no freedom, shitty food etc)? Is there something that actually had a positive impact on you so far?

Greetings btw

Toutouka1910 karma

In my opinion, not really. No offense.

Allow me to explain:

In your example you chose to eat the mushrooms consciously. You ate the mushrooms, therefore it was something active-even though you hated them and had to do it for survival. Plus, you felt full afterwards, it was an aftermath of the whole experience.

In the case of a rape, it is something passive. You are force fed the mushrooms. You don't have a choice. It's not a decision you take. Therefore, nature takes charge-that might end up in sexual arousal. I believe it's your body in autopilot, doing what thinks it's the best for its survival (perhaps to help save you from some injury, who knows. It surely has a reason to do so and it's for ones benefit. Nothing is random in our bodies). Maybe like Pavlov's dog or something, like a reflex. Plus, the experience is tragically awful at all times, let alone afterwards.

I'm dead sure consciousness and unconsciousness getting on a fight must be very challenging for a person, besides the ultimate fuck up that the whole situation is by itself.

That being said, I'm not a professional, it's just my opinion.

Good day btw

Toutouka195 karma

I see. Thank you for the clarification.

I enjoyed reading your point of view. It's always interesting to see someone else's perspective.

Toutouka191 karma

I believe astronaut is the absolute top a person can become because it requires amazing physical and mental skills at all times, besides great knowledge and incredible self control. I admire you more than words could ever express.

What can I do if I want to offer my child the possibility to become an astronaut? What would have made your path easier?

I know the chances of him actually becoming one are pretty slim.

What are some of the traits I could boost so that he has an early advantage? Coming from a small country it sounds easier to just win the lottery but I’d really like him to stand a chance.

Toutouka191 karma

It's not insensitive It's not harsh It's a go-to-a-therapist-ASAP comment