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Toph_1992-3 karma

But, I believe that political advocacy does still have it's merits.

Why? Our Congress is controlled by Goldman Sachs and the rest of the corporate elite. The average citizen has no voice in politics as the founding fathers had intended. Our government continues to get more fascist in nature no matter who is elected.

All of the great political thinkers: Noam Chomsky, Cornell West, Chris Hedges, Stefan Molyneux, Mark Twain, etc. all say that voting is pointless and it doesn't matter who is elected it's the same gang of criminals running us. As someone who grew up under the Bush administration and became an adult under the failure of the Obama administration how can you possibility say there can be reforms to our system?

Toph_1992-5 karma

I am a libertarian anarchist. I hate all politicians. I think they should all be imprisoned. I don't believe in any kind of government.

Why run to be a member of our war criminal run Congress when you make change by protesting and revolting against the system?