Highest Rated Comments

Toke_On_420572 karma

There are always chicken shit reps like that no matter what call center you're at. When I worked at Amazon I would get that sometimes from our foreign call centers. The customer would just be like "what? Where did you come from? I was just talking with another rep and she put me on hold to look something up"...

Luckily we had ways of reporting other reps who did that to their managers, and they would get the call reviewed and hopefully told not to do that.

Toke_On_42011 karma

... just lol. I suppose document everything, see if your 50 year old female coworker will go in with you on claiming he is a POS harassing you guys. It worked at my work where one of our male employees was basically sexually harassing any female in the store that is under 30. Two girls from one department told HR about it, got another girl from a second department who it happened to in on it as well.

So yeah, try to get that 50 year old girl in on it, and anyone else that you can tell he makes uncomfortable. The more people you have saying the same thing the less likely they are to punish ALL of you rather than just the weird guy.

Toke_On_4209 karma

Lol, never heard of that.

Equal rights, equal responsibility.

Toke_On_4201 karma

What is the biggest country in the us?