Highest Rated Comments

TinUkulele43 karma

Neil! You are my hero, you have inspired me so much. Thank you!

Cosmos looks amazing, what do you hope people take away from it?

TinUkulele11 karma

Not gonna lie, I would watch the shit out of that

TinUkulele5 karma

You whimsical bastard. I love you.

What is your favorite type of tea and/or wine?

TinUkulele4 karma

Hi! Fan of KITH, you guys are all hilarious. What is Kevin McDonald like and will there be any more KITH stuff in the future?

TinUkulele2 karma

Mr. Henson,

1) The effects/creatures that the Creature Shop is able to come up with are astounding, with the advances in technology and so many things being computer generated, how do you see that affecting the future of the creature shop? (P.S. I would much rather have real Creatures vs. CGI)

2) Tell us about the Jim Henson’s Creature Shop Challenge! That sounds so exciting.

3) I get so excited when I find out the Creature Shop is a part of something: Farscape, The Storyteller, Dinosaurs, Labyrinth, Dark Crystal and of course, The Muppets. What projects can we look forward to from the you and the Creature Shop?

4) What was it like working with Tim Curry on Muppet Treasure Island?

5) What was it like stepping up to direct The Muppet movies after your father passed?

You’re amazing. Keep doing what you are doing :) Thank you.