TimeVendor13 karma2020-10-09 15:15:36 UTC
What was your best and un forgetful MAD moment?
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TimeVendor11 karma2020-09-29 15:04:10 UTC
Can mRNA vaccine alter the dna of a human?
TimeVendor9 karma2020-01-27 07:58:59 UTC
Do you have your best list of horror movies?
TimeVendor2 karma2021-02-06 17:32:18 UTC
So, is COVID-19 man made or gradually popped up in nature like Spanish flu?
TimeVendor2 karma2020-09-29 16:05:30 UTC
But mRNA tech (not vaccine) can be used to alter DNA?
TimeVendor13 karma
What was your best and un forgetful MAD moment?
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