Highest Rated Comments

TiltedPlacitan96 karma

I don't trust any company with Condoleeza Rice on the board to deploy effective crypto.

EDIT: or more pointedly: to give a shit about your privacy.

TiltedPlacitan30 karma

Hi Bruce. We've met before in Portland, OR at a book signing.

I agree. Before 9/11, I carried a Buck knife everywhere I went.

I would not have hesitated to use it to incapacitate a hijacker.

Now, I don't have that option.

But, the simple fact of the matter is this: If anyone tries to hijack a plane now, they will be ripped from limb to limb by their fellow passengers.

"Enhanced security" has nothing to do with this. Stronger cockpit doors were a very good idea, though.

Thank you for being a voice of sanity.

TiltedPlacitan15 karma

Well, if you think about this at all, it is pretty clear that a hijacker's fellow passengers ripping them limb-from-limb is the actual deterrent.

The billions we spent on the TSA have, effectively, been a waste.

Passengers will never again be passive in the face of aggression.

EDIT: That said, separating me from my Buck knife makes air travel less safe.

TiltedPlacitan11 karma

I'm a software engineer. Hire me.

TiltedPlacitan9 karma

The word you're looking for is "adulterants".