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ThugExplainBot25 karma

Why do you feel entitled to tax payer money to fund your sex change medical neccessities? I know it sounds snarky and it is nothing against you but if we are paying for the military and it's medical treatment that means we are covering procedures such as yours which is not required to remain healthy.

ThugExplainBot21 karma

Are you a practicing Jew?

Is She a practicing muslim?

Are there religious barriers that make courtship harder?

What are both of your views on having an Israeli state?

Are both of your political opinions left leaning based on the assumption you are both university students?

What activites don you two do together?

Have you each learned a lot about each others culture sijce dating?

If applicable, how is schwarma?

Does she have to wear a full veil burka in public, a plain hijab, or nothing?

Thanks in advance I hope for the best!

ThugExplainBot1 karma

I find it humorous how you attack Christian's for sexually abusing children like Islam doesn't do it on a more massive and systematic scale. I had a buddy in Iraq say a local police chief would take a boy or 2 to his house for the night and they complied like it was normal. And because if they resisted it would turn out a lot different than in America. And Christianity didn't set back technology, one great example is the julian calendar and the preciseness of which leap years are calibrated. Hell Neil DeGrasse Tyson used BC/AD and not BCE/CE since it was Catholics who developed the current calendar and gives them credit for it.

ThugExplainBot0 karma

Looking back at your parents' extreme religious and right wing political views, does it make you dislike Christians and Conservative people for those values? If not is there any notable people under those descriptions you admire?