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Throwmelikeamelon26 karma


Thanks for doing this AMA! I can also see your in Norfolk and Suffolk, easy Anglia represent!

I have full respect and I back you guys 100% with this strike. A friend of mine is a junior doc and from her explanations (and some stuff I have read online), this is fully justified and I would do exactly the same were I to be facing your predicament.

A couple of questions...

Firstly, is this likely to have an ramifications for you personally? I work in telecoms and we are also looking at possible strike action regarding some policies. However I know that if I were to strike I would also be seen as 'intolerant' and therefore likely to lose my job. Is this something any of you guys are facing or are the general medical population happy to back you on this?

Secondly I have been an outpatient for mental health services for some time. The problems you have explained in another comment regarding privatisation of the services I have experienced first hand. And honestly it is awful. Long live the NHS! What I really want to know here is how you feel about the privatisation, do you feel it is better for patients overall? Or are there many like me that are trying to muddle through life as we are dropped by people that can help us as we are 'too much of a problem' to deal with? This doesn't strike me as an effective model, it's as though they wait for the worst of us to top ourselves so we are less of a burden.

Again thanks for this AMA and sorry for the wall of text!

Throwmelikeamelon10 karma

Awesome :)

I made a guy smile once at the palace cos i tripped over a paving slab en route to look around the other side. Literally the only time i've ever seen a guard break the serious look you all have :)

Throwmelikeamelon8 karma

What is the strangest thing a member of the public has ever said or done to/with you?

On a side note, i fucking love you guys! Proud Brit and even prouder of our forces, my family has a long history across all services. Keep doing what you do :)

Throwmelikeamelon4 karma

This is a great comment. I'm a little on the fence as to whether this is advertisement or genuine but you've nailed everything in this comment.

Glad to hear you are back on the straight and narrow too dude, I wish you luck in everything.

Throwmelikeamelon1 karma

Glad to hear all is well legally for you guys. I hope everything works out and the cluster fuck of a government we have sorts everything out.

Thanks for your opinion on privatisation too. From a 'consumer' experience I can't say I've had a great time. The NHS is a fantastic service and it needs to be treated as such. Not something we can take money away from willy nilly. We all pay our taxes after all.