Highest Rated Comments

Throwaway202001132 karma

I will second his advice and offer encouragement as an individual with a history of panic disorder.

Experiencing and observing severe anxiety/panic during meditation periods was monumentally beneficial for my mental health. Having access to a physically safe setting that was dominated by rules dictating non-interference made tolerating intense negative emotions much easier for me after a year or so of sitting with a group.

I noticed that I was able to translate that practice off of the cushion, as well, which allowed me to expand my behavioral repertoire and extend rather than withdraw in the face of triggers.

Doing some reading on exposure therapy ahead of time might be very helpful.

Not that self help is necessarily the point!

Throwaway202001131 karma

For folks with psychological conditions that impact empathy (e.g. autism, BPD, APD), what teachings are the most beneficial?