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ThrowAwayHerpesAMA1517 karma

Only one girl really snapped at me. The rest, surprisingly, are very kind about it. They'll be honest with me how they feel about it, or that they need to think it over. More often than not though they're okay with it.

On a side note - I've kind of learned that how a girl reacts to it says a lot about their personality. If I haven't exposed you to the virus in any way, but you freak out like I just rubbed an outbreak all over your body, you're probably a pretty crappy person. I don't let the freakouts get to me anymore, but they really sucked at first while I was still uncomfortable in my own skin.

ThrowAwayHerpesAMA1306 karma

If it is a girl I feel that I think could turn into a more serious relationship, I like to go out on about 4-5 dates and really get to know her. When I know for sure I want to take things further, I'll tell her.

If it is a strictly sexual relationship/good friends with benefits, I'll tell her the second time we hangout.

ThrowAwayHerpesAMA935 karma

I had to tell your mom last night

ThrowAwayHerpesAMA836 karma

What are you doing later tonight?

ThrowAwayHerpesAMA835 karma

This is a HUGE point that people miss. I hope this comment hits the top.

The primary difference between HSV1 and 2 is the location. They are transferable, but oral to genital or genital to oral is like moving a polar bear to the tropics. He may survive, but he'll be sweaty as hell and won't blend in with his environment. This is a key point to those who have less frequent/severe outbreaks. I personally think I got it from a cold sore on my ex, due to frequency/severity.

I do want to eliminate it, but eliminate is a strong adjective. I will admit, I do not go to rallies or start funding for support groups or talk freely to listening ears about my disease. But I do stick up for the virus when people make the jokes, or when people bring up common misconceptions I will educate them, and if someone I know has it or meets someone that has it I'll open up to them.

My support is strictly on a personal level. I wanted to bring it to reddit because I know it is a large community, and even if 10 people learn something and change their opinions slightly because of this thread, those 10 people can help educated others as well.

Not trying to start a movement, just trying to take a chip out of the ice block.