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ThoiveAgain53 karma

If Much (and the rest of the Canadian media) hadn't been totally mismanaged over the past decade, what do you think it would have been like today in the current social climate?

What video from the 2010s would you most like to give the Fromage treatment?

ThoiveAgain25 karma

Just did my dude (my sock?). Looking forward to them classic Fromage downloads ;)

ThoiveAgain8 karma

Hi guys, first of all I adore you, I want to thank you for making music that helped me through one of the most difficult times of my life that coincided with Seeds coming out, I'm pretty sure that record did more for me than therapy did.

Few questions... 1) Where do you see the band in 10 years? Do you guys ever see yourselves going the Arcade Fire route and becoming huge and playing stadiums, or are you happy continuing to do what you've been doing (amazingly)?

2) What is your all time favourite venue to play?

3) Will you ever play Epitaph live again? That's my favourite of your songs and I've never seen you do it live!

Love you guys and see you in February <3

Edit - also wanted to say, I'm so happy you and Stars are touring together. I know you did a few years ago (I didn't go to that tour) and thought now that you guys are both bigger I wouldn't get the chance to see you together but here we are. A sidenote that I have heard you compared to The Frames a lot, they are my other favourite band and if somehow you ever played together I would lose my mind.

ThoiveAgain5 karma

Were you the couple at their show in Owen Sound who were in the front row and also danced to My Favourite Book there? That was the best concert I've ever been to.

ThoiveAgain5 karma

Yeah, I've only heard it live that time. This was last summer in a small theatre in a rural town in cottage country, and this couple had come I think from the US on their honeymoon? I guess they had been in touch with the band beforehand and they had reserved seats in the front row, they played it special for them and it was really sweet :)