Highest Rated Comments

ThisPlaceisHell586 karma

Mother's would always so, "He's just got a lot of energy." Then leave and not clean it up.

This was the real proof you've worked with the public.

ThisPlaceisHell241 karma

This just adds to the fear that if I ever ended up in a vegetative state, whether conscious or not, I'd be terrified of having people pull the plug on me. Yeah it's terrible to imagine spending the rest of your life as a vegetable, but even if it was 5 years, 10 years whatever. The hope that one day you'd wake from it and go back to living life. You only get that one life, it scares me how quickly people are willing to end it.

ThisPlaceisHell30 karma

This is why I'm like one more of these shitty ads away from unsubbing. I'm so sick and tired of the obviousness of them every time I read a title to some famous person's post. "I'm so and so, I made this thing that I'm selling. Ask me anything!" Meanwhile they only really answer shit that's pertinent to their latest money making scheme. Such a fucking scam.

ThisPlaceisHell9 karma

I distinctly remember when I was a kid, I could hold my breathe underwater for upwards of a minute to a minute and a half no problem. Now as an adult, I am lucky if I can hold for 15 seconds. In your experience, is it possible for someone like me (an admittedly unhealthy adult male) to ever get back to that minute or is it a once you're too far gone there's no going back, thing?

ThisPlaceisHell7 karma

It's the feeling of missing out. Of not being here to see the progress of humanity, see the universe, not get to see your loved ones anymore. The ceasement of all the things you enjoy. Imagine being in a coma for your child's birth. Wouldn't that be shitty? Well now take that idea and feeling and run it out to infinity with countless moments like that missed. How is that NOT a horrible thought to any normal healthy human being?