ThisIsDark453 karma2020-02-03 14:54:11 UTC
r/investing is for morons that give advice unironically.
r/wallstreetbets is for the same type of people but they realize they're morons and lean into it.
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ThisIsDark139 karma2021-01-11 18:16:37 UTC
So drake's aunt turned him on?
ThisIsDark67 karma2021-01-08 21:55:53 UTC
250k is enough to last you all the way to a PHD. Pretty crazy amount of money tbh.
ThisIsDark49 karma2021-01-08 22:19:02 UTC
take 50 different undergrad courses hehehehe
ThisIsDark32 karma2020-02-03 18:14:25 UTC
Memes about losing tens of thousands of dollars lmao
ThisIsDark453 karma
r/investing is for morons that give advice unironically.
r/wallstreetbets is for the same type of people but they realize they're morons and lean into it.
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