Highest Rated Comments

ThisICannotForgive1066 karma

John, you were a big supporter of Obama before he was elected, and I believe even attended his inauguration. Considering how disappointing he has been on so many levels (prosecution of whistleblowers, "most transparent administration ever" etc), do you think the political process in this country is irreparably broken? Do you think a President has the power to keep the promises that Obama made pre-election?

ThisICannotForgive485 karma

Mark, what does everyone need to know about fracking?

ThisICannotForgive104 karma

Have you seen reports about the huge increase in earthquakes in Oklahoma? They've had something like 300 earthquakes in the past year. Scary to think about the damage that is being done to the earth's crust without any study about the consequences. Not to mention the harmful chemicals being used that are "proprietary"...the public can't know what they contain.

ThisICannotForgive24 karma

I don't know if this will get answered....but there is an interview of JC with Howard Stern that you can find on youtube where he answers this question in depth.

ThisICannotForgive15 karma

The sex scenes had it been an HBO show! What could have been!