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ThighWoman2 karma

I have a lot of vivid dreams that I can often connect to my real life, often giving me clarity or raising questions on certain scenarios. I have one that I keep thinking back on and wonder if you have any thoughts about it you could share - what I can take from it or do with it.

In the dream my ex (who I had a traumatic breakup with, he ghosted me after 7 years together) shows up at a party I’m at and I overhear him tell all my friends that he knew our relationship was over when I gave him my sea urchin. And then a picture flashes of my hands a light green porcelain sculpture of a shell into his hands.

If you have any thoughts on that specifically I’d love to hear them. Generally I wonder if you have any thoughts on what people can do with their dreams - processing them or using information from them? I tend to either receive clarifying messages in dreams very late after events unfold or I get question raising dreams about current events that are confusing and later on seem to be almost predictive of what will happen, but i do not usually understand the connection until it’s too late for me to use anything I “learn”. An example is the month before my partner disappeared suddenly, I was consistently dreaming that he had moved out without me noticing. My deeper mind seems to have understood some distance he was displaying before my waking mind accepted it.

ThighWoman1 karma

I was in an ER waiting area when a homeless man entered and sat down. He began calling out to people for money or conversation. A woman walked by wearing a Bluetooth device and he said “ahh, a cyborg.” I thought, “no…wait…hmm…”

ThighWoman1 karma

Thank you, this is a good guide for me to look deeper. ☺️ I had not heard of dream therapy and am super interested to look into that too. I will be picking up a copy of Inner Work!