Highest Rated Comments

Thereddestcrayon33 karma

Has there been any thought given to making a purchasable iPhone/iPad app of CAH? Nothing will beat out having the real deck in terms of awesomeness, but with as many people having i-gadgets as there are now I could see it working. Great for waiting around with friends at conventions, concert lines, etc.

Once everyone is connected into the game people are dealt cards onto their phone and the host is designated by the game (and the host role subsequently rotated per turn). When the host pulls the black card it appears on all phones and he reads it aloud. Players flip through their white cards via touch screen, select one, and it is sent face down to the host phone. Once all connected players have turned their card in the option to flip the cards for reading is available. Once read aloud for the amusement of all the host chooses his winner, the person's name that played the white card appears and points are awarded. Next round.

Thereddestcrayon10 karma

Are there certain categories or topics that you consider taboo to the game, avoiding hot buttons by putting down religious groups or even other um, passionate, groups like "bronies"?