Highest Rated Comments

The_Emerald_Archer_525 karma

It's really difficult to keep the gifts under the tree.

The_Emerald_Archer_16 karma

This comment seems a bit paranoid.

I don't think you have to worry about that. And if I'm wrong, and there are reports of this happening, I will venmo $20.

The_Emerald_Archer_7 karma

Wow...both metric and freedom units in one sentence... interesting.

The_Emerald_Archer_6 karma

What are you all doing to guarantee a mail-in voter's vote will be counted?

The_Emerald_Archer_5 karma

2008 didn't have to take 10 years to bounce back, though. Many people don't want to admit it, but the previous administration did not take the best steps to right the ship.