Highest Rated Comments
The_Doctor_Bear23 karma
Hey so, wrongful imprisonment is a terrible thing, literally robs people of years of their life, but that is why our criminal justice system is composed of not just a judge and lawyers but also a jury of your peers. Absolute truth is an incredibly hard thing to come by and we as a society must come together (as represented by a randomly selected group of jurors) and make these difficult judgement calls.
The alternative society where lawyers and judges are personally accountable for any wrongful conviction would mean a world where many dangerous criminals are not convicted.
I’m not in favor of our current incarceration rates or it’s unbalanced effects on minorities, but let’s not pretend there’s some magical easy answer here. This is a complex societal issue.
The_Doctor_Bear6 karma
you could set up that rule pretty darn easily.
maybe something like if message is addressed to (your email) then delete.
The_Doctor_Bear3 karma
Hey guys! Love the show with a passion.
What’s your favorite peanut butter texture?
And honestly, who did the friendship tunnel as a kid?
The_Doctor_Bear30 karma
Currently very much enjoying Longmire and your performance! Thank you!
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