Highest Rated Comments

TheYesMenOfficial82 karma

Our actions are teensy-tiny parts of much bigger movements—which do actually win. - The Chamber of Commerce did reverse position on climate-change legislation. - The NYPD did stop using stop-and-frisk. - The governor of NY did ban fracking. - etc. None of these were due to our actions—but they WERE due to the movements that are actions were a little part of. That's the thing about ANY action, not just ours: each action seems to fail, but cumulatively, movements always seem to win. - Andy

TheYesMenOfficial48 karma

To my mind, it's the BBC action, posing as Dow, taking responsibility for the Bhopal catastrophe - got that issue into 600 US newspapers where it belonged. - Andy

TheYesMenOfficial41 karma

YES! Please go to Vimeo on demand. WAY better cut for us, thanks so much for asking! https://vimeo.com/ondemand/theyesmenarerevolting

TheYesMenOfficial25 karma

None! The Chamber of Commerce sued us, but that turned out to be great. - Andy

TheYesMenOfficial20 karma

They're all so inter-connected! Really, action on any issue is valuable, because they're all very related. If we fix climate change, we fix a lot of other things. That said, if we obtain a living wage for everyone, or free public education, or forbid corporations from lobbying anymore, or whatever—we're also doing something about climate change. I wouldn't get too hung up on exactly what issue matters the most. Work on what fills you with the most passion, whether because of the issue itself, or because of the opportunity you happen to have on that issue: that's where you'll contribute the most. - Andy