Highest Rated Comments

TheSexyHistorian17 karma

As somebody fascinated by the psychology behind authority and war, this AMA is absolutely priceless. I'm glad that you've come out about the things you saw because it is so important, and it takes a lot of guts to go against orders/a contract. You said that you should have refused orders while you were there, but in that situation no one could blame you for following orders. The amazing thing is that you've come to realize the atrocities and are actually speaking up about it

TheSexyHistorian5 karma

my bus driver's were so amazing! They made a huge impact on my life, always knowing when I was having a bad day, and being extra nice. Do you feel like kids these days are still as grateful to you guys? Or is everyone completely distracted by their phones to notice?

TheSexyHistorian5 karma

That's really awesome of you. I hope you didn't take offense to anything I said! We're all responsible for our own actions, but that doesn't mean outside influences aren't incredibly powerful