Highest Rated Comments

TheRedBaron1150 karma

How does it affect you mentally to know that people fap to you, like, all the time?

TheRedBaron1112 karma

Oh, how the turntables turn

TheRedBaron117 karma

I'm normally not a fan of drugging people but this guy...

I wonder what would happen if we slipped shrooms into his tea?

Would he break more or fix?

TheRedBaron112 karma

Have you read the book "Musashi?" If so, what did you think?

TheRedBaron112 karma

I saw that you liked "Shogun" so I think you'd really like Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa. It's perhaps my favorite book of all time! It's as deep and meaningful a book as the reader has eyes for. The writer truly dedicated themselves, and became very wise through their training in the Ways of samurai and zen practice. It's also more authentically japanese than Shogun.