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TheRedArrow3 karma

Follow up: what type of guy is usually chosen? (ie: race, eye colour, hair colour, etc.)

TheRedArrow2 karma

Hi, huge fan of The Room here! Me and my friends loved it before we had even seen it, and when I finally did, it was midnight, I was drunk and the theatre was throwing spoons at the screen and cheering during the sex scene. Good memories.

My question is: if Lisa from The Room and Skylar from Breaking Bad got into a fight, who would win?

TheRedArrow1 karma

Worst part about modelling?

TheRedArrow1 karma

My name's Samir too, you don't see it very often where I live. Your title kind of scared me for a second.

I guess I don't really have a question. What's the best part about being named Samir?