Highest Rated Comments

ThePriceIsRightCBS986 karma

TPIR ADAM: There's an actor named Adam Sandler?

ThePriceIsRightCBS762 karma

TPIR ADAM - Yes! Both would win both showcases (as long as they didn't overbid of course).

ThePriceIsRightCBS749 karma

TPIR Rachel - Mine is Cover Up, i've always loved it!

TPIR Stan - Half Off and Spelling Bee

TPIR Adam - That would be like me picking which of my children I like best.

ThePriceIsRightCBS453 karma

TPIR Stan: Actually we pepper luxury cars in all season long. Plus, we have Dream Car Week. I actually feel like we've been having more and more luxury cars every season, they're just spread out.

ThePriceIsRightCBS362 karma

TPIR RACHEL: It was with Chrissy Teigen in Door 2 and we had a lady win all three prizes in Most Expensive. She was so excited running towards George, she tripped, went head first into George and knocked him down. Then Chrissy gave him CPR and this made for one of the funniest moments I've ever witnessed on stage!