Highest Rated Comments

ThePalmIsle112 karma

Absolutely disgusting.

And look how he shrinks from this essay now that he has a book to sell.

They’re all the same

ThePalmIsle56 karma

I can answer that for you - no they’re not, because that falls absolutely in line with the NYT agenda of preserving our oldest, most powerful media institutions.

ThePalmIsle14 karma

In this answer, and many like it: the NYT failing to take a shred of accountability for why people might be dissatisfied with “mainstream media”.

ThePalmIsle14 karma

Hi Claudia. Bit of a left field question.

I have a friend who cheated on her then-husband years ago, which led to therapy and ultimately a split.

In the years since, she is incredibly open about those events in a way that is unflattering to her - even with people who I don’t believe she knows very well. It’s strange to me, as she’s otherwise a pretty guarded person when it comes to her personal life.

I’ve always wondered - do counsellors typically advise clients in my friend’s situation to be so open about their cheating? My theory is that she got advice that “owning it” might help her move on, because otherwise I can’t understand why she puts it out there.

ThePalmIsle5 karma

I wouldn’t put it that way, but yes.

It’s really easy to see the silliness of employing someone like Jeong on one hand, then trotting out journalists like these to tell us how big bad YouTube is sponsoring a continental drift to the right on the other.