Highest Rated Comments

TheMooner157 karma

Hi, and thank you so much for sharing your story. I am a graduate of Marysville-Pilchuck, Class of 2005, and this was very terrifying to read, being able to see in my own mind the exact places you described. I know the church, I know the campus; I have years worth of memories from MPHS. I am so sorry that your memories will include the terrible things that happened that day. Did you move because of the shooting? Before the shooting, no one had ever heard of our school, now when I google it there are endless shooting related articles. I hope you can find help for the effects of trauma, there are many options. Don't be afraid to try them, your mental health is worth working for. On a personal note, I lost my mother to a terrible disease two months after my 21st birthday. It was by far the worst thing that had happened to me, and I have had many terrible days/weeks/months because of it. Know that in time your symptoms will probably lessen. Also, it will no longer dominate your thoughts the way I'm sure it can now. Honestly, it might take lots of time for that to happen. But knowing it will happen makes dealing with it until then easier. Also, don't let this person's actions diminish your ability to see beauty in this world or connect with other people. Lastly, when those bad times and thoughts come around, it's 100% OK to distract yourself from them. Try movies, try hanging with friends, anything to keep yourself from dwelling on negative thoughts that don't serve you. To be clear I'm not saying you shouldn't process your thoughts and emotions in a healthy way like through a counselor, I'm talking about getting by, day-to-day, minute-to-minute. I truly wish you the best and thank you once again for sharing, I greatly appreciated it.

TheMooner19 karma

You both seem like lots of fun to be around. I enjoyed your interview on Kevin Pollack Chat Show, especially your thoughts on making films for reasonable amounts of money. This quote of yours was my favorite, "You have to be excited to discover what the movie is going to be, rather than exact some pre-conceived version of what the movie should be."

*edit: for those of you who haven't seen it, here you go, interview starts at 13:35

TheMooner18 karma

Martin, huge fan! One of my favorite characters you played was Roman on party down...many of your characters seem to have a healthy dose of speaking uncomfortable truths, is that something you do in real life as well? You are hilarious and I want to buy you a beer

TheMooner2 karma

Is Gilfoyle your favorite character you've played?

TheMooner1 karma

What are the best pajamas to compose in?