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TheMediaSays134 karma

One of the things I've always admired about your work is that, besides being genuinely smart and funny, it puts women, LBGTQ, and people of color in a variety of different roles, but does so subtly; I recall one, for example, that involved what I gather were two gay parents, but it was a joke more about parenting in general. I've also noticed that women in your comics are the source of humor more often than in many other comics, where they're usually cast as the straightman (or woman, in this case). How conscious is your use of diversity in SMBC and is there any process involved in deciding the makeup of the characters in a particular joke?

Also, how much time does your sketch comedy take up as compared to your activities relating to the comic itself? Is there one or the other that you would say you emphasize more?

Who do you think would win in a brawl between Andrew Jackson and Teddy Roosevelt?

What's the one book you recommend everyone read?

Finally, how much time does the actual business side of running all your activities take up? How much do you think taking care of these things detracts from the time spent doing the things you really like? Did you need to read up on business management and the like, or is it a pretty intuitive process?